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CEO Update

Dear Member,

Hopefully you will have seen and read the latest update from Steve Kavanagh, CEO. If you haven't you can read it here.

This is an unusual step by the club to be so outspoken on fans' behaviour, but what is often missed is the effect on the club of these issues. The club is now finding sponsors less likely to come on board, young players are going elsewhere and this is all down to the general reputation of the club due to the fans' behaviour.

Of course, it is the small minority of fans, but unacceptable actions by one or two can affect the whole club. Nobody wants a sterile sanitised stadium devoid of any atmosphere and the intimidatory nature of the Den has always been a plus for the club.

But a line must be drawn.

The impact of even three arrests means unwelcome attention from the authorities, and their involvement could even go as far as closing certain sections of the ground, which cannot be what anybody wants.

We welcome any comments regarding the content of the update from Steve Kavanagh.

The MSC Commitee.

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