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Body Worn Video Cameras - Statement

Following recent apparent use of 'body-cams' (BWV) at The Den, we have spoken to the club and asked for their protocol regarding the use of them.

The use of body worn cameras was suggested by the FA post Everton and forms part of the Action Plan in force for the next 16 months. In order to investigate compliance, the club have trialled the use of steward worn body cams (in addition to the CCTV already in use) to assess the effectiveness and quality. The trial is now complete and will be evaluated, however we are assured that any footage captured during the trial will be deleted.

We also asked about the licensing of the equipment. The steward wearing the camera is unable to view the footage and so is not required to hold a licence.

The decision as to whether to introduce the use of body worn cameras for the 20/21 season has yet to be taken but we have requested to be consulted and included in any discussions and that has been agreed. Their use would be covered by the Ground Regulations and the necessary procedures and policies will be in place.

There will be no more deployment of these cameras at any of the remaining home fixtures this season.

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